January 29, 2011 - T-Rex

We built a snow dinosaur in the backyard. "We have a Tyrannosaurus Rex in our back yard which is a meat eater. I thought it was a Dromeosaurs by the tracks. I know all about these dinosaurs because I am a dino expert."

January 17, 2011 - Golfing

Today was Martin Luther King Day and my Mommy didn't have to go to work and it wasn't a Missy day. So she let me pick something special for the two of us to do. I picked to go play golf and of course I won!

January 12, 2011 - Talking to my Nin

"Can I really, really, really come to your house with my Nana?"

January 6, 2011 - Hailey eats my NUTS! 3yrs 10mo

When we got home today the whole floor was covered with nut shells. Those were MY NUTS that my Nana gave to me and I planned on eating them!

January 2, 2011 - Indoor Slide

"I have the BEST Mommy and Daddy in the whole world!"

December 29, 2010 - Christmas in PA

Me and Mommy went to visit everyone down in PA.

This is my newest cousin David. In a few years I'll get a chance to show him how to make some real trouble.
Alexis is starting to get bigger. I bet she will be a really good girl.
Avatar mania! I got all these new really cool Avatar toys.

December 28, 2010 - Building with my Dad

After we made a giant fan, now it is time to put together a windmill. My Dad is really good at helping me build things.