March 30, 2008 - Puttin' me to work

Dad says its my job to scrub the tires and that I need to start earning my keep!!!

March 23, 2008 -Easter


When I got up in the morning I found the Easter Bunny had left me all kinds of toys and candy. Mom & Dad even let me eat some BEFORE breakfast. Then we went visiting all of my family and he left me candy & toys at EVERYONE'S house...I must be a really good boy!

An all day sugar rush sure makes you tired by the end of the night.

March 22, 2008 -Busy Day

In the morning we went to an easter egg hunt with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Seth, Kirsten and Daimien. I found lots of them and they had yummy candies inside each of them. Then later that night I went to my other Grandma & Grandpa's and we colored easter eggs to get ready for the easter bunny to come. Grandma let me dye my hand blue and dusty tried to help too.

March 18, 2008 -Visit to see the Easter Bunny

March 9, 2008 - Devon taught me...

how to climb!
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March 8, 2008 - After a Nap

After the party I went home and took a nap...boy was I tired. I spent the rest of the night playing with all my cool new toys.

March 8, 2008 -Party Time

I had so much fun at my birthday party with all of my friends and family.

Grandma has lots more pics and mom will be getting CD's to families.

March 5, 2008 - My 1st Birthday

I got to sleep in and play with mommy this morning. Then I went to Missy's to play with all of my friends. Mommy sent cupcakes for snack time. When I got home there was a pile of presents for me. Grandma and Grandpa came up later with pizza and more presents for me.

March 1, 2008 - Fun Factory

Dad got me this cool surprise because I love to play with playdough...but I'm a little unsure about it. Green pasta moving out of this machine just seems kinda weird to me. Oh yeah, and dad took me to get my hair cut again.

Febuary 22-27, 2008-Into Everything

I've been keeping mom & dad really busy. I play with anything I can soon as they turn around. I know how to call people on mom's cell phone, use the computer dad gave me, turn the radio and tv on, get into the cabinets and escape from the house!