March 10, 2012 - Star Wars Party

This was the Jedi training course

Once we became real Jedi knights we earned our lightsabers

Time to take down the Death Star

OH NO! Darth Vader!!!
Get him!!!

He met his doom and the Jedi's WIN!!!

March 9, 2012 - Fly Guy

At school Tedd Arnold came to visit. He is the author of the Fly Guy books. I got to ask him "how he gets the book cover all sparkly?

March 5, 2012 - I'm 5 Years Old!

Nana Chica came to school today and taught a lesson on MY birthday! After school I went to their house and I was surprised to get lego's (my favorite)
We went home and Mommy and Daddy gave me some new Star Wars guys.

Nana, Poppa and Uncle D came to visit and gave me a Karate outfit.
Then we left and I got to go to my first Karate class!!!

Marika's Graduation

We are also so proud of Marika!!! Congratulations!!!